Election season is frustrating especially on Facebook!
No, I am not going to tell you who you should vote for in the 2016 Presidential election. But if you read on I think you will find this post helpful.
Election season can be extremely frustrating especially if you are prone to use and visit social media on a regular basis. It seems every other post is for or against a candidate. Before you post for or against a candidate let me encourage you to do three things.
1. Check and double check your source. A great deal of what you are seeing on social media with respect to political stories, is either completely fabricated or mostly untrue. Snopes.com is a good source for fact checking, but also look at the bias of the site of the original post to make sure someone may not have added to a story just to make it more interesting.
2. Ask yourself what the motive would be to post or repost the political story. Remember our primary daily objective is to LOVE GOD and LOVE EACH OTHER. Are you posting to respond to someone who made you angry?
3. You can tell the truth in LOVE. Sharing information to be informative and helpful to others is good. Try to remove the bias of the article and post the truth of the story in a loving way.
Some pastors have openly taken a stance for or against a candidate at this point. A few I know personally and really respect, site the lack of Christian values as their reason for not voting for a particular candidate.
I think it is very important that you VOTE! Voting is a privilege and a responsibility. Keep this in mind however…
“God is always in Control.”
Historically there have been some corrupt, evil, sinful, anti-Christian and unwise presidents in America. We have also had some courageous, self-sacrificing, wise, God fearing American Presidents. But through it all God remains in control of the universe and that includes the US!
This election may shift the direction of America in ways that will be difficult on Christian institutions and Christians in general. At risk is our supreme court that has been moving in directions that put in jeopardy the freedoms we have enjoyed to this point: Non-profit status, tax breaks for churches and Christian schools, the ability to freely proclaim from the pulpit Biblical theology, the right to publically proclaim Biblical truths in the marketplace.
Christian churches and institutions and individual Christians in America are beginning to see the winds of change. But one thing never Changes and that is that OUR GOD IS IN CONTROL!
Your candidate may lose the election but...