What in "Hell" is going on?
HERE IT IS… “Divide and separate.” That is what the prince of Hell is doing today. Nothing new for him but the burner has been turned up quite a bit in 2016. Today there is fierce competition among humanity for the coveted title “most offended group”.
Division along the lines of: Race, Religion, Environmental Activism, Social status, Gender Identification. The haves and the have nots have an unsettled score. All groups agree they are owed something by someone. They all agree they have been wounded and damaged by someone and that someone, owes them.
The prince of Hell has made sure the wounds are real and the offenders are holding the smoking gun. There is truth in each groups story. Just as in the garden of Eden there was truth in Adams and Eves story. The problem was it was not the whole truth. Us versus them! That is what the prince of Hell is doing to humanity in 2016.
So what is God doing about it? Whenever the enemy turns up the heat God turns up the GRACE!
““But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound” (Ro. 5:20 KJV)
Yes, there are dividers and they are visible. But there is also an army of Uniters called the Family of God. This army is filled with compassion, directed in mission and empowered by the Holy Spirit. They are rising up all over the world with a single banner that bears the image of the cross. What was lost in the “offense” is restored in the Cross of Christ.
The church that belongs to Jesus is made up of every race. They unite under a common mission because they owe somebody and that somebody is God who came in flesh and suffered and died for their sins. He took upon Himself their shame, their debt, their guilt. 2000 years later he does not hold them guilty of the nails in his hands and feet or the spear in His side or the crown of thorns put on His head. 2000 years later His forgiveness and mercy is fresh as the falling rain, swift as the rising tide, deep as the oceans and wide as the sea! 2000 years later their debts have not accrued one penny of interest or been turned over to collection. 2000 years later their Savior is as active in their salvation as He was at the beginning. 2000 years later they rejoice together, their song is the same, their hope is the same, their heartbeat is the same, their love is the same. Their reward is found only in Him and at the day of His appearing they will cast their trophies and crowns at His feet. He alone is Worthy.
This army of uniters is pointing mankind back to the cross. Pointing to what we have in common and not what divides us. We have all sinned. We have all offended, we have all contributed to division. We all owe a great debt. I am not talking about the people who gather in the same building for a worship service, I am talking about the ones who are in that gathering, that have surrendered to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. These uniters are easy to recognize even at a great distance away. You will know them by their LOVE.